Thursday, September 12, 2013

September Giveaway 3/3

I'm running off for my birthday vacation, and I wanted to leave one last present behind.

I was cleaning up in preparation for packing and 'lo, there was an extra paperback. I contemplated using it for a fancy paperweight or a weapon to beat off potential muggers, but I've decided that someone else might enjoy it more.

The Rules

  1. If book is used to beat potential muggers, the reader must take pictures. Isabella needs a good laugh.
  2. Cats are evil.
  3. Isabella will not be held responsible if you have the sudden urge for a Cheshire of your own.
  4. Isabella will not be held responsible if you suffer an acute case of cover love.
  5. Did I mention cats are evil?

There are a few rules for this giveaway for a paperback copy of Shadow.
1.       You must comment on this post in order to be entered.
2.       You must leave a way to contact you in your comment. 
3.       This giveaway is only open for shipping to the United States/Canada
4.       The Giveaway is open from Sept 12th to Sept 26th midnight est.
5.       The winner will be chosen via
6.       The winner must respond within 48 hours of the email. If not, another winner will be chosen


  1. Yes, cats are evil, but that just makes them more fun to squeeze. It also helps keep the band-aid companies in business.

    Enjoy your birthday vacation!

  2. What a lovely cover. Don't know if I could beat a mugger with a book and take pictures at the same time. LOL

    Have a wonderful birthday vacation!
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

  3. I'd love to read this book. Enjoy your vacation!

    (And cats are very cute.)


  4. Cats are what make the world endurable, evil or not! Great cover too.

  5. Another Virgo baby! Happy Birthday :)

    Cats probably think humans are useless except for getting them food, lol.


  6. I swear to only use this book to beat off muggers in a dire emergency and to always have a camera handy just in case.

